- setembro 28, 2018
- Posted by: Equipe Ustore
- Category: Computação em Nuvem, Internacional

Artigo em inglês
What is a Hybrid Cloud?
The hybrid cloud is one of the models used for cloud computing in larger enterprises. It combines in a single environment the private cloud (a private cloud entirely managed by the enterprise itself) and the public cloud (made available by large providers to deliver on a single infrastructure), enabling the integration of information technology resources.
In this way, the company is able to automatically and securely move sensitive data from its private to public network and vice versa.
What is Multicloud?
Multicloud or multinuvem is one of the new features of cloud computing that brings additional benefits. It is an environment formed by several public clouds, each of which comes from a different supplier.
The idea behind this model is to leverage what each vendor has to do best to expand the potential of cloud computing. Thus, although it is still new to the market, the Multicloud strategy is one of the strongest trends in information technology at the moment.
What are the advantages of the Hybrid Cloud?
In the hybrid cloud, some information technology resources are delivered as service in an internal private cloud, while others are provided by service providers in the public cloud.
While the latter is notable for attractive pricing and scalability (allowing the company to meet seasonal demands), the private cloud provides greater data privacy and local access performance.
This model stands out because it allows the compliance that large companies seek, combining what the information technology manager does within the company with the possibilities brought by external providers. Thus, the hybrid cloud allows to use the two types of cloud for different purposes, combining them in a unique environment. In addition to this factor, they also stand out as benefits of the hybrid cloud:
• Greater flexibility compared to separate use of public and private clouds;
• Optimization of existing processes;
• Initiation of projects faster;
• Faster reactions to market changes.
What are the benefits of Multicloud?
Multicloud is not just about using a variety of cloud services: it combines technology, people, and the proximity of the business to the customer. When they opt for the cloud, companies look for innovative ways to leverage their business. Because different clouds may be better suited to different needs, this is where the multicloud strategy shines, as it allows companies to combine varied clouds to take advantage of different features.
Check out 03 the key advantages of the multicloud approach:
• Resource Flexibility
Once your business utilizes the various capabilities offered by providers, you can build applications that use APIs across the clouds, and then deliver fully customized solutions to your needs. In addition to differentiating your business in the market, this flexibility can also promote considerable savings of financial resources.
• Computing as a Service
With Multicloud, it is possible to turn information technology into a kind of service broker, especially when coupled with a cloud automation strategy. Suppliers often give all the support they need to optimize consumption and resources. By working with multiple cloud models optimized for your business, you always ensure the best performance.
• Resilient Systems
There will always be the risk of systemic failure in a given cloud provider, so choosing the business continuity scenario best suited to your needs is important, taking into account items such as redundancy and system recovery time. If high availability is a must for the business of the company, the use of several cloud providers should be seriously considered.
What is the best model: Hybrid or Multcloud?
With business technology evolving from traditional information technology to strategic information technology, it is very important to carefully analyze the company’s needs before opting for any model.
In the Hybrid Cloud, plus a good internet connection, you need to have a competent team of professionals to integrate all these complex environments and also to keep equipment and software installed locally. In general, the Hybrid Cloud is a great choice for large companies, while Multicloud is more suitable for other companies that want to take their business to a new level.
Most important, in the end, is finding the cloud usage model that best meets the needs of each business model.
Source: Transforming Network Infrastructure
Author: Lenildo Morais, Project Manager at Ustore, a leader in the Brazilian cloud storage market, based at the Porto Digital technology campus in Recife. He is also a Researcher at the ASSERT Research Technologies Laboratory – Advanced System and Software Engineering. Lenildo has experience in Software Engineering, working in the following research topics: software quality, methodologies and processes of software development, requirements engineering, software testing and project management software. He earned a Master in Computer Science at the Center of Informatics of the Federal University of Pernambuco.